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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy for Contributions


Contributions will be used to influence the election in Ohio of Stephen Faris to the U.S. Senate for the express purpose of formally removing unborn child murder (abortion) from under the cover of law.

This is for the abolition of abortion. Immediately. Totally. In all jurisdictions in the U.S.

Non-Ohio residents are welcome to contribute to this campaign.


Contributions accepted here are primarily direct gifts of money. These contributions may be made by cash or check sent to the mailing address provided, or by credit/debit card in an online contribution.

In-kind contributions are goods or services offered for free or for less than the usual charge to this campaign; goods or services paid for on this campaign's behalf; expenditures made by any person in cooperation, consultation, or at the request or suggestion of this campaign. In-kind contributions count towards the limits discussed below. Please contact for more information.

Contributions are not tax deductible.


(for contributors that are not prohibited)

Anonymous contributions of cash are limited to $50.

Cash contributions are limited to $100.

Contributors who exceed $50 (whether monetary or in-kind) in an election cycle must provide their full name and mailing address with each subsequent contribution. See legal note below.

Contributors who exceed $200 (whether monetary or in-kind) in an election cycle must provide their full name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer with each subsequent contribution. See legal note below.

The maximum contribution (whether monetary or in-kind) by individuals and organizations is $2,900 per election (for either the primary or general election) or $5,800 for both elections.

Though not involved in a competitive primary, this campaign is entitled to the primary election contribution limit, with the primary election date chosen as August 26th 2024 (the last day on which, under Ohio law, a candidate may qualify for a position on the general election ballot). Please contribute toward both the primary election limit and the general election limit if able. For each contribution, please designate the amount intended to apply towards each election limit.

The maximum contribution (whether monetary or in-kind) by spouses, jointly, is $5,800 per election (for either the primary or general election) or $11,600 for both elections. Joint contributions of any amount must be made by joint check only. For each joint contribution, please indicate the amount attributable towards each individual's limits. Both individuals must sign the check.

For both individual or joint contributions by check, if the space on a check is insufficient to supply name(s), address, occupation(s), employer(s), designation(s), and attribution(s), please use the provided printable form to report this information. The form must be signed for designations and attributions.

Only individual contributions may be made online. An electronic form is provided for reporting and signatures are not required.



Corporations (including nonstock corporations, trade associations, incorporated membership organizations, incorporated cooperatives, etc.);

Labor organizations;

National banks;

Any business with federal government contracts;

Foreign nationals (unless green-card excepted);

Foreign groups (businesses, governments, political parties, partnerships, associations, corporations, etc.)


Contributions may not be made in the name of another person.


(Contact for acceptability and limits)

Individuals who are minors;

Sole proprietorships;


Limited liability companies;

Indian tribes;

Political committees registered with the FEC

(other candidate campaign committees, party committees, PACs, etc.);

Political committees not registered with the FEC

(nonfederal candidate campaign committees, state/local party committees, state PACs);


Federal law requires our best efforts to collect and report the full name and mailing address of individuals whose contributions exceed $50 in an election cycle, and the full name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

A single-issue candidate:

Without the right to life and equal protection of law for ALL,

No other right,

No other issue,

No other conversation

makes sense.

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